
原链接:原分类: Arch Linux, Linux"xrandr)" 是一款官方的 RandR Wikipedia:X Window System 扩展配置工具。它可以设置屏幕显示的大小、方向、镜像等。对多显示器的情况,也可使用 arandr 或 lxrandr 等图形前端作为替代。我从Xfce4转到了LXDE桌面,由

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原链接:原分类: Arch Linux, Linux1. 简介Linux-ck是 AUR 中的一个包,在非官方 linux-ck 源中允许用户运行一个定制的内核/头文件,基于 Con Kolivas 的 ck1 补丁集,包括 Brain Fuck Scheduler (BFS)。许多 Archer 选择使用这个包,因为

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原链接:原分类: Arch Linux, Linux简介之所以是2.x的最新版,而不是最新版,原因有很多,不过最大的原因还是兼容问题,以及以及软件库的可用量问题。显然2.x就像是Windows,而3.x就像是linux(当然这个比喻或许有点不恰当

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How to Format USB Drive in the Terminal

原链接:原分类:LinuxWe all at some point in time we all format our USB drives. The question I would like to ask is how do you

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How To Add Swap On Linux

原链接:原分类:LinuxSwap is a type of filesystem and is a virtual memory. Whenever your RAM is full, your operating system will look for further memory in your swap space.

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Some Useful Linux Screenshot Tools

原链接:原分类:LinuxHi guys,There are many Linux screenshot tools out there, so I decided to compile a list with some of the tools I have used and have experience with. Th

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Why Should You Put Linux In Your Computer

原链接:原分类:LinuxMy life has changed quite alot since the day I switched to Ubuntu, a friendly Linux distribution with more than twenty million users around the world.

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Linux Basics: du Command Usage

原链接:原分类:Arch Linux, LinuxToday we will discuss about how to find or summarize the disk usage on Unix/Linux systems using the du command. du stands forDisk Usage. In

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